Tuesday, February 26, 2008


If you have met me you have probably heard about how much I hate winter. It was with great enthusiasm that I crawled back into bed last Sunday when I learned that my congregation had canceled services due to the incredibly slick roads. Don't get me wrong.. I love working. But I don't love driving to work when it is dangerous out. I called my son's father to tell him to sit tight and not come up to the Fellowship, but he didn't get the message. Next thing I knew I was on the phone with the Franklin County Sheriff's Department hearing that my son was in a wreck and headed to Children's Mercy Hospital and I needed to get there right away. TOTAL PANIC!

Got my husband up and he was able to take sensibly to the sheriff and assure me that my son was fine, but injured, and we needed to move it.

Long story short - broken iliac crest and a scraped up face. His dad had bruises, and the oncoming driver that they hit because they were driving over the posted speed limit and the road was covered in slush had a broken rib. Very lucky.

There are all kinds of changes going on with YRUU and C*UUYAN that I should be passing on to others, but it hit me this morning that my son almost died. I saw the pictures of the wreck. He almost died.

Hug your family and friends tightly. Drive safely. Tell people that you love them when you love them. You never know what will happen. We don't always get second chances.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wasn't quite so lucky on March 1st I rushed to the hospital after my daughters car accident. The pastor at the hospital told me things don't look good. I held her hand for the last time that morning in the emergency room. She was unconscious and I told her to hang on. Her damages were to severe.
