Thursday, July 5, 2007

post GA catching up

Why is there always so much to do when you are a "grown up?"
The Kiddo is constantly telling me he's bored and I long for a moment in which to be bored.

We had a party on the 4th and a UU family commented on my family's spinner game that you spin to determine what chore is going to get done and what the reward for doing it will be. They loved the idea, and I do too. But really, every chore that is one of the choices needs to be done fairly often or it wouldn't be a chore on our list, so why do we try to act like it is optional, or just a twist of fate (really of friction) that the spinner arrow would land on "clean your room" and not "help with laundry", when really, both are gonna get done?

Lots to catch up on from being gone to GA. Meetings for RE, meetings for the Board, meetings for the Spiritual Celebration Committee, telling anyone who will listen how unbearably dreadful the Service of the Living Tradition was at GA, and how great the workshop on Cultural Appropriation was . Had to fix the goat fence and chicken pen, since the goats got out and ate the garden and the chickens keep getting eaten by the puppy who really doesn't eat them but rather holds them in her mouth until they are scared to death.

Much to do, gotta go run my own UU kid and his UU pal around for awhile. They had a great playdate today and now we gotta get back to "I'm bored."

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